If you can write to at least eighth grade level, then you might want to consider freelance writing as a career option. Obviously it takes time and practice to develop your writing and before you can charge a worthwhile amount for your work, but if you persevere, you could make a reasonable living from your writing.
One of the problems for many full time freelancers is that by the time they have finished all their work for the day, the last thing they want to do is to get back on the computer and write for their own edification. If your dream is to write a novel and have it published, then you need to make time for this type of writing, no matter how full your diary is.
Organize Your Time
Many people, writers in particular, find it difficult to organize their day in a way they would like, and that would give them time for their own writing. The first thing to do is to write down everything that you do for the next week or two, including taking a shower and brushing your teeth. At the end of a week or a fortnight you should be able to see where the time has actually gone and in which areas you can make some changes.